Now that the Consumer Electronics Show 2011 has come to an end, all eyes are on Apple for it to announce the iPad 2 tablet. So far we've only heard rumors about the iPad 2 but there has been no confirmations whatsoever. Kevin Rose, blogger and founder of Digg stated on his blog that he had information from a "good authority" that Apple might be launching the new iPad 2 in the coming three-four weeks, most probably on February 1, Tuesday. In the past, Rose's sources managed to get him a hands on with the iPod nano and even a confirmation on the Copy-Paste feature in the iPhone 3.0 update.
According to Rose's sources, the iPad 2 will have high resolution (higher dpi) display compared to the current generation iPad and will get video chat support with front and back panel cameras. Well, most Android tablets as well as high-end smartphones unveiled at CES 2011 have front-back panel cameras.
Our last report about the iPad 2 mockup gave us a hint of how slim the iPad 2 would be. Also, we reported " a blurb about iPad 2 having front-back panel cameras based on the reports by Taiwan based component makers. Until we see any official information, we'll continue getting rumors about the iPad 2's announcement dates.
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